If you want to find out more about becoming a Freemason:
Please visit the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania Website at the Link below!!
Pennsylvania Grand Lodge-About Freemasonry
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Did You Know?
What was the origin of the expression "Blue Lodges?"
There are several theories, of which two have the most adherents. Some believe that operative Masons felt that blue, the color of the sky both by day and by night, was associated in their minds with the purity of Deity, which Masons attempt to emulate. Others refer to the change made by speculative Masons shortly after the establishment of the original Grand Lodge of England when blue was substituted for white as the official Masonic color, presumably because it was the color of the Order of the Garter of which a number of Masonic leaders were members.
Why are we called Freemasons?
The name definitely dates back to the days when Masonry was almost wholly operative in character. Numerous explanations have been suggested, such as (a) masons worked in free stone (which could be carved), and hence were called "free-stone masons", later shortened to "freemasons" (b) they were free men, not serfs; (c) they were free to move from place to place as they might desire; (d) they were given the freedom of the towns or localities in which they worked; (e) they were free of the rules and regulations that were usually imposed upon members of guilds.
What is meant by the Golden Fleece, Roman Eagle, and the Star & Garter?
The Order of the Golden Fleece was founded by Duke Phillip of Burgundy in 1429. The Roman Eagle was the symbol of the power and might of Rome during its heyday two thousand or more years ago. The Order of the Star was founded by King John II of France in the 1300's. The Order of the Garter was created by King Edward III of England about the same time. The use of the apron as a badge is actually older than any of these.
Credit for all of the above comes from--Grand Lodge of Pennsylvana--- For more facts about freemasonry check out this Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania link:
Freemasonry Questions and Answers